Judas Priest at OzzFest and Sacramento 2004
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76. From our spot side stage..jpg
76. From our spot side stage.
77. 13 songs at Ozzfest, 16 songs at Sac...they cut United..jpg
77. 13 songs at Ozzfest, 16 songs at Sac...they cut United.
78. KK during You Got Another Thing Coming...show's over..jpg
78. KK during You Got Another Thing Coming...show's over.
79. Miren and Kenan waiting for the band...Kenan taking advantage of free ice cream..jpg
79. Miren and Kenan waiting for the band...Kenan taking advantage of free ice cream.
80. Fans from 98 Rock in Sac at a Meet And Greet contest...Glenn is signing..jpg
80. Fans from 98 Rock in Sac at a Meet And Greet contest...Glenn is signing.
81. Scott comes out to sign..jpg
81. Scott comes out to sign.
82. This guy wanted Scott to sign Dave Holland records...Scott said..Dude..that's like me signing an Elton John record..jpg
82. This guy wanted Scott to sign Dave Holland records...Scott said..Dude..that's like me signing an Elton John record.
83. Scott and Monica on the bus..jpg
83. Scott and Monica on the bus.
84. Kenan and Monica...drinking freebies on the bus..jpg
84. Kenan and Monica...drinking freebies on the bus.
85. That's all folks..jpg
85. That's all folks.

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